Quiero agregar mi propio evento / I want to add my own event
Este calendario se actualiza automáticamente a través de Facebook e información enviada por diferentes usuarios, no nos hacemos responsables por cambios de última hora que no se vean reflejados aquí. Siempre confirme los detalles con el organizador del evento.
Aprende a realizar cremas y exfoliantes artesanales, formuladas con aceites esenciales, extractos de plantas, semillas y especias.
En el recetario encontrarás cremas faciales, corporales y medicinales, como por ejemplo.
Piel Seca
Piel Grasa
Activante de la circulación
Entre otras.
Elaboraremos exfoliantes suaves y amigables a base de granos y semillas, eliminando el uso de azucar y sal que crean microroturas y maltratan nuestra piel.
Costo del talller 25.000 colones.
100% practico, incluye materiales, manual digital y certificado.
Lourdes de Montes de Oca 300mts este de la Universidad Latina, sobre la carretera a Vargas Araya.
Que debes traer:
Un cubrebocas o panuelo.
Cuaderno si quisieras tomar apuntes, pero el manual esta muy bien explicado.
Una llave maya para guardar el manual.
Merienda para compartir.
Reserva el espacio con 10.000 colones
Banco Nacional Colones 200-01-006-045778-6
Cuenta Cliente 15100620010457781
BCR Colones 001-0648741-6
SINPE 15202001064874164
Nathalie Castro Montero
Céd. 7-0168-0514
Informes al 8860-5073
The Society / True Nature Costa Rica Service and Adventure Program
June 11 – 18
Pay $250 Deposit to Hold Your Spot. (Scroll down to Register Now)
*NOTE: We have recently changed our registration process.
For Any Questions Regarding Registration Please Email: Info@TrueNatureEducation.com
True Nature Education is partnering with The National Society of Leadership and Success to offer this service-based travel opportunity to Costa Rica. Both organizations share similar values as the Society’s shared values includes, “for the good of the community,” and at the core of True Nature’s values is an emphasis on community service.
You are invited to participate in this exciting and unique service and travel opportunity in Costa Rica. Experience the rich culture of this incredible country while doing work to support the people, communities, and preservation of the land and native environment. You will have an unforgettable experience, full of outdoor adventures, connections with local people, and mission outreach work. In a time where our world is becoming more and more of a global community, come be a part of the bridge of support, by taking part in this international service and adventure trip.
During the program you will participate in several service projects* including potential projects such as: planting trees, working at the local school, renovation/construction of a local building (ie. school, community, center, church), caring for endangered monkeys, cleaning the beach, and sharing our individual gifts – art, music, dance and sports — with the local villagers. You will lodge at eco-hotels and lodges. Our programs will take place in two different sites in 2015. Site #1 will be next to Manuel Antonio National Park and Site #2 will be located near village San Rafael, close to the Arenal Volcano.
These service projects may include work in:
~A Monkey Sanctuary
~Local school building
~Building of a local library
~Village Community Building
~An Area that you can share your gifts! Just let us know.
Activities can include:
~Snorkel/Dolphin Tour
~Rainforest Hike
~Waterfall Expedition
For more information contact: Info@TrueNatureEducation.com
True Nature Education has searched long and hard throughout Costa Rica to find unique, ecologically friendly, and inspiring accommodations for our guests to stay in. All of the accommodations are clean, comfortable and close to nature. Lodging includes electricity, hot water, internet, phone, comfortable beds and linens, and an environment which allows you to rest peacefully after a long day of activities. Most accommodations for large groups are shared. Private rooms are occasionally available for an extra fee on a first-come first serve basis.
Testimonials from Past True Nature/Society Trips
I believe coming on this trip took me out of my comfort zone, no actually, it expanded my comfort zone. I feel I am a changed person now and that I am able to to see and experience the beauty of planet Earth. I will take the memories or Costa Rica with me as I keep on with my journey of life.
-Kathryn Hima, Stratford, Connecticut
I am forever grateful and forever changed. I truly found myself here…who I want to be. I am happy, content, and a completely new person. Thank you so much True Nature and the Society! I could have never felt this way without you and for that I am forever indebted.
-Charlotte, Dabrowski Middletown, Connecticut
There is no words to describe how beautiful everything is. Costa Rica takes my breath away. I was surrounded by life, felt closer to the Earth than I have ever felt before. More than that True Nature and everyone has been so supportive. I have never felt to unselfconscious.
-Allison Waters, San Antonio, Texas
Life is a journey, every pebble on this Earth has its place. Sometimes those pebbles create a stepping stone-something with time , concrete, and strength. This experience was another stepping stone to my life-my personal journey, and I am grateful.
-Nola Heller, Plover WI
Payment and Online Registration
Tuition: $1595.00*
(Society Members SAVE $350 off the Regular price of $1945!!)
Tuition includes accommodations, food, ground transportation,
activities, and service projects. *Airfare is not included.
Register early as these programs fill quickly to fill quickly! A $250 deposit will get your name on the big
“I Want To Go To Costa Rica” list and officially reserve your spot. It will be deducted from the total amount of the trip cost.
*The trip has a minimum of 10 people and a maximum of 25 people
*** A $35.00 Service Processing Fee will be added to the tuition.
In order to pay and register use the drop-down menu below to choose the trip you would like to attend, then click the register now icon below. Once payment is processed you will a confirmation email followed by further information and a link to the online registration page.
December 12-19, 2015
June 11-18, 2016
July 30-August 6, 2016
December 10-17, 2016
Payment Options
Hold My Space Deposit for December, 2015 $250.00 USD
Hold My Space Deposit for June, 2016 $250.00 USD
Hold My Space Deposit for July, 2016 $250.00 USD
Hold My Space Deposit for Dec, 2016 $250.00 USD
Participant’s Name
Participant’s Primary Email
If you have any questions please email: Info@TrueNatureEducation.com
tInitial deposits are non-refundable
t50% of payments are refundable upto 90 days before program excluding initial deposit
t89 days prior to a program, tuition is non-refundable
tFull tuition is refunded if the trip is canceled due to low enrollment
Half Tuition is Due 90 Days Prior to the Trip
Full Tuition is Due 45 Days Prior to the Trip
Alumni and Non-Society Members
Society Alumni and Non-Society Members are also welcome on the trip. If you or someone you know would like to join us please let us know.
Non-members will have to pay the full tuition price and also agree to the True Nature / Code of Conduct for the trip. Alumni are eligible for the discount.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We understand that many questions come up when visiting a place you have never been. What do I bring? What is the weather like? We have created Participant Packages that will clarify these type of questions and more Once you have registered, we will send you these materials. In addition, on our website we have a comprehensive FAQ section, that also gives detailed answers to common questions. If you have other questions, you can always write us at info@truenatureeducation.comso we can support you.
Getting There
All international flights will arrive at San Jose International Airport (SJO). True Nature Education has a Group Travel Agent that will be happy to help you book your flights. Just ask us if this interests you. Some of our retreats also have a Group Flight Option so you can travel with your fellow retreatants. From the airport we will organize one group transport for all retreat participants. Before booking tickets please contact us to discuss flight arrival and departure windows for your retreat and to be sure group minimums have been reached.
True Nature Education
True Nature is an Educational Travel Company which provides full service in the planning, support, and guiding of a diverse catalog of trips to Costa Rica each year. We believe in the power of experiential travel abroad and the multitude of affects it has on ones growth. We have hosted thousands of participants and have been honored to share in the life-changing experiences of our guests. It is True Nature’s goal to strive to meet the needs of our guests and to be of support from the time you first contact us, to the time you land in Costa Rica, and until you return home from your journey.
Sample Itinerary*
Arrival Day
Stay at Hotel Near Airport
Welcome Dinner
Transfer to Manuel Antonio and Hotel Karahe
Sunset Group Circle
Transport to BBI Monkey Sanctuary
Service Project #1
Service Project #2
Evening Circle
Service Project #3
Beach Restoration
Beach Activities 10am
Lunch 12pm
1pm National Park Tour
Dolphin/Snorkel Boat Tour
Depart for Luna Nueva Eco-Lodge
8:30am Transport to San Rafael for Service Project #4
Lunch in the Village
Free Time
Afternoon Biodynamic Farm Tour
Rest (Optional Night Hike)
Service Project #5: Local School Exchange
Zip Line / Horseback
Waterfall Hike
Closing Circle
Transport to Airport
Depart for Airport…Adios…
*Schedule Subject to Change
Creando mi huerto urbano
8:00 a 12:30
Como diseñar la huerta según el espacio que tengamos.
Preparación de tierra para la siembra.
Aporte de substratos para enriquecer la tierra y para que sirven.
Preparación de camas
Como hacer un semillero.
12:30 a 1:30
Almuerzo compartido.
1:30 a 4:00
Siembra de tomates, lechugas. cebollino….
Trasplante de plantas.
Poda de plantas
Exposición de lombricompostera
Cuando: 11 de Junio
Donde: San Antonio de Desamparados, de la escuela República de Panamá 200m oeste 25m sur, entrada a la pr del Super Mora
Inversión: 10,000 Colones
Incluye: Materiales, plantas para que inicies tu huerta.
Reservas: 8362 1505
Como parte del mes del ambiente, brindaremos una serie de talleres para continuar promoviendo la necesidad y crecimiento de la agricultura urbana en nuestras comunidades y hogares.
Los talleres son gratuitos y abiertos.
Objetivos /
Brindar habilidades teóricas y prácticas para la escogencia de materiales, herramientas y territorios necesarios, para el inicio de una huerta urbana.
Fecha: Jueves 16 / 2:00pm
Temas: Semillas
Seguridad – Soberanía – Sabiduría Alimentaria
Fecha: Jueves 23 / 2:00pm
Temas: Permacultura
Diseño según los patrones de la Naturaleza
Fecha: Jueves 30 / 2:00pm
Temas: Huertas Urbanas
Proyectos Comunitarios
Coorganizan /
Granos Paz
Asociación Kokopelli Costa Rica
Centro de Agricultura Orgánica – INA
Red Permanezca
Bibliografía recomendada /
Fukuoka, M. (1978). La revolución de una brizna de paja. INSTITUTO PERMACULTURA MONTSANT. www.permacultura-montsant.org http://www.webislam.com/media/2012/07/54112_la_revolucion_de_una_brizna_de_paja.pdf
David H. (1978). La esencia de la permacultura. Traducción Jordi Alemany. Barcelona, España. https://holmgren.com.au/downloads/Essence_of_Pc_ES.pdf
Arvol. (2013). Manual de agricultura Urbana. Azoteas verdes de Guadalajara. Casa del Arvol Guadalajara, México.
Boeglin, N. (2015). La piña de Costa Rica ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos.
Carrasco, A. (2014). La ciencia y los OGM. Declaración Latinoamericana por una Ciencia Digna, por la prohibición de los OGM. Revista Biodiversidad 81.
Cháves, A y G. Guzmán. (2011). Agricultura Urbana Familiar. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia. Sector Agroalimentario. San José, Costa Rica.
Ecodes. (2014). HUERTOS EN EL ASFALTO. Iniciativas de agricultura urbana. Revista esPosible, número 45. Zaragoza, España.
Ecology Action. (2010). Agricultura Biointensiva: Una Revolución más Verde. Perspectivas de Ecology Action. Ridgewood Road Willits, California, Estados Unidos.
FAO.org (s.f.) Agricultura urbana. Recuperado desde: http://www.fao.org/urban-agriculture/es/
García, A.. (2011). Impacto Ambiental de la Agroindustria. Febrero, 2011, de INGCO SAS. Recuperado desde: http://www.revistavirtualpro.com/revista/impacto-ambiental-de-la-agroindustria/3
GFA Consulting Group S.A. (2010).Estudio del Estado de la Producción Sostenible y Propuesta de Mecanismos Permanentes Para el Fomento de la Producción Sostenible, Costa Rica.
Hobbelink, H. (2014). 20 años con transgénicos: ¿Teorías de conspiración o realidad planificada?. Revista Biodiversidad 80.
Servicio de Gestión de publicaciones de la FAO. (2004). Política y desarrollo agrícola. Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO). Roma.
Leiva, A. (2008) Huertos urbanos, además de brindar beneficios terapéuticos y sociales, mitigan la acumulación del calor en las ciudades. Recuperado desde: http://www.ecoportal.net/Eco-Noticias/Huertos_urbanos_ademas_de_brindar_beneficios_terapeuticos_y_sociales_mitigan_la_acumulacion_del_calor_en_las_ciudades
Marshall, A.. (2012). El lado oculto de la agroindustria: Impactos sociales y ambientales. 2012, de Revista Agraria. Recuperado desde: https://cepesrural.lamula.pe/2012/05/30/el-lado-oculto-de-la-agroindustria-impactos-sociales-y-ambientales/cepesrural/
Moya, F. (2011). Responsabilidad social y ética en el sector agroindustrial colombiano. Escenarios, 9 (1), 90-95.
Zaar, M. (2011) Agricultura urbana: algunas reflexiones sobre su origen e importancia actual. Revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales, 16 (944) Recuperado desde: http://www.ub.edu/geocrit/b3w-944.htm
Spend a week with us in the jungle and learn to design a bountiful garden that supports all life.
With the era of consumerism, the world faces many challenges from loss of habitat, to environmental degradation and social disconnection. We believe it’s time to cultivate opportunities for positive change and learning. Permaculture – derived from the words “permanent” and “culture” – is a design science based on mimicking efficient patterns and relationships found in nature. Permaculture is yoga for the land, as yoga is permaculture for the body.
Our week-long course includes the following:
7 Days / 6 Nights at Rancho Delicioso
3 Meals per day that showcase healthy fresh cooking from the farm or local providers
Introduction to Permaculture – Daily Workshops
Daily Yoga Class
Aerial Silk Beginner’s Class
Archery Class
Beach Trip To Playa Hermosa (Surfing Lessons Optional)
Montezuma Waterfalls Excursion
Anamaya Yoga Excursion
Pool Party
Introduction to Permaculture Daily Workshops:
The program will include eight permaculture courses, from 90-120 minutes long each, throughout the week, earning you an “Introduction to Permaculture” certificate from Rancho Delicioso. These eight courses will be:
1. Definition, Ethics and Principles:
Participative discussion that includes the Web of Life Activity.
2. Soil Science:
Know your soil types, micro-organisms, textures, Ph, simple tests to do at home.
3. Composting:
Making a “lasagna-style” compost pile and bio-fertilizers.
4. Biointensive Gardening:
Hands on mulching, seeding, transplanting, making beds, moon cycles, pest and disease control, plant propagation, seed saving.
5. Garden Design:
Using patterns and the edge effect – design and hands-on making an herb spiral or mandala garden.
6. Medicinal Plants and Medicine Making:
Native plant walk, tinctures, honey cough syrup and ointments made with local herbs.
7. Food Forests:
Tree planting and maintenance, layers of the forest, guilds, observation exercise in a native forest.
8. Sustainable building:
Discussion about various methods of natural construction techniques, natural cooling, energy, and green building.
Horses and Animals
Animals are an essential part of a sustainable cycle in a farm. They provide companionship, food, work, and even their poop is vital to our work of soil restoration.
Many more photo here: PYP Photo Gallery
Activity Details
Aerial Silk dance class in Rancho Delicioso’s passion fruit dome.
Aerial Silk Basics
Ever wonder what it’s like to dance in the air? Our workshop teaches how to move with the silks using breathing techniques that prevent muscle exhaustion. This is a fun way to activate all muscle groups, while learning a few tricks to show your family and friends back home!
Archery Basics
Perhaps after seeing “The Hunger Games” you have wanted to try shooting a bow and arrow? Now is your chance to let fly a few shots into some hay bales on the farm. It’s surprisingly addictive and cathartic.
Healthy Cooking and Nutrition
The truth is we can all cook like Nigella Lawson without using ingredients from the whole world. Learn to live sustainably by using local seasonal produce to create magic on your plate. From kefir to sauerkraut workshops and making dehydrated chips coated in cashew goodness, our workshops will leave your mouth watering and your body craving more!
Daily Yoga Classes
You don’t have to be a ballerina doing split handstand to be able to practice yoga. Whether you’re a beginner just wanting to stretch, or an advanced level yogi, our daily classes will allow you to connect with your body.
Excursion to do yoga at Anamaya’s new yoga shala
Yoga at Anamaya Resort
The yoga decks at our partner resort – Anamaya – are truly spectacular. With views over Montezuma and out to the ocean, it is a wonderful place to practice at the beginning or end of the day.
Beach and Surfing Trip
No trip to Costa Rica would be complete without a chance to dive in, balance your body, and feel the power of the ocean. Surfboards and surf classes, boogie boards rentals, etc, require an extra fee, but a trip to enjoy the beach is included. Click here to read about some of the area’s best surf spots: Surf Spots Near Rancho Delicioso.
Pool Party
An opportunity to chill with your new-found family beside a cozy bonfire. Enjoy our salt-water swimming pool to cool off from the tropical heat. Stargazing included! Afterwards, those who want more can head down to Montezuma for the famous “Reggae Night” street party every Thursday.
Adriana Pal, our permaculture instructor
Retreat Leader
Adriana Pál
. Adriana is a native Costa Rican, and our area’s leading permaculture expert. She is the founder of
La Escuela de la Jungla
(The School of the Jungle) and has been teaching various courses in the area for several years.
Originally with a background in tourism and hospitality, Adriana became enamored with permaculture and sustainability, and has been educating herself in all things “green.” With a delightful personality, a love of teaching, and a natural ability to connect with people, you will fall in love with her passion for the earth and her drive to help protect it.
Dates offered:
February 7 – 13, 2016 – (Dorm spaces sold out – bring a tent only!)
February 21 – 27, 2016 – (One Dorm Space Left!)
March 6 – 12, 2016 – (Dorm spaces sold out – bring a tent only!)
March 20 – 26, 2016 – (2 Dorm Spaces Left)
April 3 – 9, 2016 – (2 Spaces Left – 1 dorm, 1 tent)
April 17 – 23, 2016 – (3 Spaces left)
May 15-21, 2016 – (Just Added!!)
June 19-25, 2016 – (Just Added!!)
July 3 – 9, 2016 – (Just Added!!)
July 17 – 23, 2016 – (Just Added!!)
August 7 – 13, 2016 – (Just Added!!)
August 21 – 27, 2016 – (Just Added!!)
All programs begin on Sunday and end on a Saturday. This gives a generous window of time if you leave your home country on a Friday night or Saturday, and return to work/school on a Monday.
Video of the farm
Week Schedule
This is a general week schedule, which may shift a bit depending on various things like the availability of teachers. We try to fit all this in here, and more. Sometimes if someone amazing is in town and offering something unique we’ll bring them to the farm and offer it to the guests, such as a unique style of yoga or something that fits with our vibe. Some guests find there’s too much to do and want to relax more… that’s fine too, you’re not obligated to do any of these activities.
Sunday – Orientation
Opening Circle
Introduction to Permaculture
Monday – The Fun Begins
Morning Yoga
Permaculture: Soil Science
Archery Class
Permaculture: Composting
Open Mic Night at Cafe Organico in Montezuma ($4 addl pp for transport)
Tuesday – Anamaya and Waterfall
Healthy Cooking Class
Waterfall Hike and Lunch
Ocean View Yoga at Anamaya Resort
Permaculture: Garden Design
Our Aquaponics Growing House
Wednesday – Beach & Surf Day
Morning Yoga
Permaculture: Biointensive Gardening
Beach Trip – Surfing Optional
Thursday – Anamaya Dinner Night
Morning Yoga
Permaculture: Aquaponics or Greenbuilding
Permaculture: Medicinal Plant Walk
Dinner at Anamaya Resort
Dance and Street Party Night in Montezuma ($4 addl pp for transport)
Friday – Free Day and/or Aerial Silks
Morning Yoga
Permaculture: Food Forests
Aerial Silk Class
Raw Chocolate Making Class
Saturday – Goodbye Day
Morning Yoga
Closing Circle, group hugs, tears, and goodbyes
Click here for a
calendar of classes and events
Lots More Photos
Many more photo here: PYP Photo Gallery
A Typical Day’s Schedule
– Yoga
– Breakfast
– Fitness Class (optional)
– Permaculture Class
– Lunch
– Siesta, Free Time, Swimming Pool, or Various Activities
– Permaculture Class
– Dinner
– Free Time. Movies, bonfire, various extra activities
– Sleepy Time…
For more detail, click here: Detailed Schedule of Activities
Prices & Payment
Dates: February through April 2016
The PYP Program price depends on your accommodations. We currently have three options:
1. Bring Your Own Tent:
– $450
2. Dorms:
– $500 – Check this out here:
Volunteer House/Dorm
3. Joseph’s Treehouse:
$450 base price + $79/nt or $59/nt May-Nov (Please check Joseph’s prices in case of changes.) It has a queen-sized bed, private bathroom and full kitchen. Can be shared by couples who book together. The treehouse is booked directly with Joseph from his AirBnB page:
Dates: June through August 2016
The price is higher for June-August because our new accommodations will be ready with much more space for everyone.
1. Bring Your Own Tent:
– $450
2. Dorms:
– $600
3. Joseph’s Treehouse:
$450 base price + $79/nt or $59/nt May-Nov (Please check Joseph’s prices in case of changes.) It has a queen-sized bed, private bathroom and full kitchen. Can be shared by couples who book together. The treehouse is booked directly with Joseph from his AirBnB page:
Payment and Deposit:
When you’re ready to book, we’ll send you a PayPal money request for 50% of the price of the program, as a non-refundable deposit. The balance is due two weeks before your arrival, and we’ll send you a PayPal money request for that as well. If you prefer to pay the balance in cash when you arrive, that can sometimes be arranged too.
Liability Release Form: Upon arrival you must sign our standard liability release. Please read it before booking: RD Liability Release Form
Additional Notes
Why not add a week?
If you’d like to add a second week, after your program ends to practice what you have learned, the cost is $200 for the week (7 additional nights). Limited space for 4 people so let us know asap if you want to stay on as a farm volunteer. PYP students who add the extra week will work on the farm with the regular volunteers, but less work is required. We ask for 3 hours per day for this extra week (compared with 6 hours per day for regular volunteers.)
Join a like-minded community to gain the tools to empower our humanity and live to the fullest. Let’s create an abundant future together!
Register here →
From food to medicine to building materials, this short course will cover useful tropical plants for the homestead. We will go deep into selecting, planting and caring for your plants.
Topics covered include:
tSelecting plants that are right for your site
tPlanting and caring for young trees
tUsing plants to build soil fertility
tDesigning plant guilds/companion planting
We will also introduce you to some of our favorite all-star tropical species and share resources for finding plants in Costa Rica!
Rachel Jackson & Scott Gallant
Rachel holds a Masters Degree in Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design from the Conway School in Conway, Massachusetts. She has been practicing permaculture in the tropics since 2009, working in both the rainforests of Costa Rica and the dry forests of Nicaragua. She is passionate about creating harmonious, healthy relationships between humans and the landscape. From urban renewal projects in New England to food forests in Latin America, Rachel has used her skills to create integrated, whole-system designs in difficult locations. She has also worked as a garden-based youth educator, art handler, photographer and carpenter and harbors a life-goal of trying as many varieties of tropical fruits as possible.
Scott Gallant is an agroforester and food system designer from small town Ohio. He graduated from Wabash College in 2008 with a degree in Economics. As the farm manager at Rancho Mastatal he works with an amazing team to cultivate 15 acres of a emerging tropical agroforest. He is the lead permaculture design instructor on site and one of the principle founders of the Rancho Mastatal Design/Build Collective. Passionate about regenerative agriculture, holistic thinking, ethnobotany, community development, and re-skilling, he still makes time to hike and bike, read exhaustively, and work on his basketball jump shot and frisbee throw. He and his partner Laura have traveled and volunteered extensively in Latin America, leading to a love of the culture, food, and language, which they speak. Scott is a certified Wilderness First Responder, writes for the Permaculture Research Institute and has been featured on the Permaculture Voices podcast.
This course will be offered in English. If we have enough interest from Spanish-speaking students, we will translate the course to Spanish. The instructor is bilingual.
Includes all food, lodging and instruction.
All food and lodging is included in the cost of the course. Students will stay in the Ranch bunkhouse with options for upgrades. We provide high quality mattresses and linens and blankets. Please see our Accommodations page for more information.
Please see our Directions page for detailed information on how to get to Rancho Mastatal.
Please see our Payments page for information about how to pay.
To enroll in the class, please fill out our Online Registration Form. For more information please contact Tim O’Hara at info@ranchomastatal.com and/or call the Ranch at 2200-0920.
Permaculture Design Course
July 3 – 16, 2016
Regenerative Lifestyle, Integrating Health, Practical Design,
Community and Social Awareness
Explore all aspects of sustainable practices by learning from those in the field.
Program Includes:
~ 72 hour Permaculture Design Course & Certificate upon completion
~ Discussions in: Triple Bottom Line Business, Education Alternatives, Slow Food, Economics in Agriculture, Green Building, Alternative Energies, Community Development and more…
~ Hands on Projects (more focus for hands on activities during the practical)
~ Daily Yoga
~ Sea Kayaking, Mud Bathing & Snorkeling
Topics Covered: what to expect…
The World Situation
What is Permaculture?: Ethics, Principles & Characteristics
Ecological System Basics & Bioregions
Design Methods & Map Reading
Climates, Elements & Microclimates
Understanding Soil
Water Management
Plants to Trees & Trees to Forests
Windbreaks and Wind Corridors
Patterns in Nature; Context (culture, climate, etc.)
Zone 0: Bio-Architecture
Zone 1: Home Garden
Zone 2: Fruit Tree Forest; Animals & Orchards
Zone 3: Field Crops & Large Animals
Zone 4: Harvest Forests
Zone 5: Forests
Wildlife Management & Integrated Pest Management
Ethical Investment, Land Ethics and Access, Incomes from Acres
Suburban & Urban Permaculture
Invisible Structures Models
Design for Disaster
Workshops & Field Activities:
Orientation to Punta Mona and Tropical Ecosystems
Weekly Sharing Circles
Compost Making, Biofermentation & Micro Organisms
Permaculture Design group project
Water Management Exercise
Soil Exercise
Onsite Analysis
Value Added Products, Triple Bottom Line Business Models and Fair Trade Practices
Creation of an Ecovillage: Tacotal & La Ecovilla
Integrating a sustainable lifestyle in the modern world
GMO crops, CSAs, Economics in Agriculture and the Slow Food Movement
Daily Flow:
6-7 am: Morning Yoga
715-830 am: Breakfast
830-9 am: Farm Duties
9-12 pm: Class Time
12-2 pm: Lunch Break
2-5 pm: Class Time
5-6 pm: Break
6-7 pm: Dinner
7-9 pm: Evening Activity
* all projects determined based on group interest
Tuition for 2 Week PDC: $1700
Includes program, Permaculture Design Course, all meals, lodging, activities and daily yoga.
Tuition includes all meals, lodging, all activities, internet access and all workshops/activities.
Or inquire with your university/professor about receiving internship or independent study credits!
To Apply: please copy, fill out and send to:
Contact: Sarah Wu, Co-Director, INFO@PUNTAMONA.ORG
Current Location:
Why do you want to particpate in the program?
How will you be an addition to the program?
What is your current knowledge about permaculture?
Oudoor Experience:
Trainings or Certificates:
Existing medical conditions?
Dietary Needs:
How did you hear about the program?
Email &/or phone number:
Emergency contact info:
Anything else we need to know?
* Transportation to Punta Mona by boat is not included, cost is $10-50 per person (depending on number of people in boat).
* Meals are organic and primarily vegetarian. Eggs and cheese are included and occasional fresh, line caught fish & organic chicken.
* Costa Rican citizen/resident prices available upon request.
Refund Policy: All deposits are NON-Refundable, Course fees are refundable up until ONE month before the course starts.
Facilities, Housing, Meals & Participation
Permies will be housed in shared double and triple co-ed accommodations for the entire program. We have availability for couples to come and have a private room, we also have a few private cabins, which are available for an additional $400. Private cabins can house two people and are good for a couple or a small family.
Lodging is rustic and comfortable with custom-made no-see-um bed nets and screened rooms with locks. Beds are singles and doubles and will be first come first serve in regards to who sleeps where.
Facilities are shared by all living at Punta Mona. We have 3 showers with solar hot water and dry-composting toilettes in two locations.
Most classes are hosted in our outdoor classroom, in the living room of our main lodge or in the Yoga Shala. We recommend you bring your own yoga mat or little pillow to sit on.
Meals are communal and prepared fresh daily from fruits and vegetables grown organically on site or purchased from an organic farm in Costa Rica. At Punta Mona we are dedicated to wholesome, organic meals prepared with love. We consider the cuisine to be “jungle gourmet” and have a trained and seasoned staff to make sure all meals are mind blowing. We serve vegetarian meals and can accommodate vegan and gluten free diets.
We will serve farm fresh eggs daily as well as local cheeses and once weekly organic, free-range chicken from a neighbor’s farm. Fresh line caught fish is also available when we go fishing.
Permies will participate in various daily activities around the farm such as trail maintenance, beach clean up, housekeeping, composting and helping to clean the kitchen after meals.
We are an off-the-grid farm and all energy usage must be fully respected. Permies can have one shower per day and can charge their devices during the day-time only. We have internet available during specified breaks and encourage you to disconnect to reconnect.
Located in the deep tropics, on the beach, Permies can expect bugs, rain, sunshine and humidity. Please follow the packing list that is sent to you upon registering to ensure comfort and a pleasant living experience”.
Coordinated By Sarah Wu, teaching adjunct workshops in plant medicine, kitchen remedies, abdominal massage and cacao
Stephen Brooks and Itai Hauben are the primary instructors for each PDC.
Adjunct teachers in yoga, homesteading and plant medicine change for each session…
Itai Hauben
– Born in Israel, from an early age was fascinated by nature, ecology, sports and art. Study and experience Permaculture first in Israel at Adamama, a demonstration farm which he joins by 2002, so starting his way into the world of Permaculture Design , Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Living .
Itai completed his training in the method Biointensive with the master John Jeavons, than traveling throughout Central America on a Sustainable Solutions Caravan and decides to stay in the final destination of his journey, Costa Rica, settling in educational farm Punta Mona, where he lives on and off for two years, work and learn through immersion in the tropics
Itai qulifies as a Permaculture teacher and is currently pursuing his MSc. with Gaia University .
Itai is dedicated to the design and implementation of production systems and edible landscapes and to the formation of other permaculturists. Itai teaches Permaculture courses in different countries and seeks above all to inspire others through example, creating his livelihood and family as a real experience of sustainable living.
On 2007 Itai, along with his wife Melina have developed Symbiosis design. It is the idea of providing a professional service of ecological consulting, creating a symbiosis of knowledge and interests between a client and a consultant and between the different components of any living system.
Itai is father to two children, whom he teaches with dedication and passion the importance of connecting with nature and learn from it.
The Fruition Center for Holistic Ecology is offering a 3-month internship, SEPTEMBER 9 to DECEMBER 2, 2016. And it will be hosted at the lush and giving Finca Fruición: Permaculture Land Cooperative in Costa Rica!
Immerse yourself into a how-to for tropical homesteading. From tool sharpening and cracking a coconut, to watershed management design, experience an intercultural exchange of knowledge and experience that offers perspective and insight into solutions through Permaculture and Biodynamics. Enjoy a rural setting, community interaction, and the unique value of engaging in responsible land stewardship.
Areas of Focus
Tool Maintenance and Use
Biodynamic Preparations
Organic Agriculture and Gardening
Seed to Table
Soil Regeneration
Water systems
Animal Husbandry (Chickens and Goats)
Tropical Tree Care
Culinary Arts in Tropical Food Preparation
Natural Building
Medicinal Herb Cultivation and Use
Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Lectures
Permaculture Ethics and Principles
Dorm-style bunk beds with mosquito netting or outdoor camping.
3 meals per day (a vegetable-based diet with farm-raised eggs and dairy, as well as occasional farm-raised meat). Solar heated showers, composting toilets, electricity, Wi-Fi, library, fresh on-site spring water, waterfalls, forest, river hikes, beach trip opportunities, as well as plenty of delicious foods medicines can be found here on the farm.
Direct facilitation will take place up to 4 hours per day, 5 days a week. Hands-on group and independent work, as well as discussion and observation upon Biodynamics and practical permaculture solutions will be proportionate to 7 hours per day. Saturday’s and Sundays are generally a time for free flow creativity, activity and adventure, on or off the farm. Along with exploring the tools of knowledge and hands-on learning, this internship program is also designed to cultivate self-discovery and community stewardship, by sharing in daily tasks and chores as needed to uphold a clean, safe, and inspiring space for all participants.
The price of this 3-month tropical farmstead living and education adventure is $2,800 for camping, or $3,100 for a shared dorm room.
(Private accommodations may be available upon request.)
* A deposit of $1,000 is required to secure your seat, either by bank transaction or PayPal account. Remaining payment is due upon arrival.
Frank White
A Market Gardener and Activist, Frank has been growing for 10 years using Regenerative Agriculture, Organics and Biodynamics. He is affiliated with the Biodynamic Ambassadors international program, as well as La Via Campesina, as a social and political activist for agricultural communities. He currently resides at Finca Fruición as the lead food production coordinator.
Jason Bliss
As one of Finca Fruición’s co-founding members, Jason has 7 years experience in farm, project, and volunteer coordination. With more than a decade’s experience as a whole foods chef and nutrition enthusiast, he ensures that our guests routinely experience a delicious, wholesome, and balanced diet. Jason is also a Thai Massage Therapist, and is available for sessions upon request.
Joey Davis
With roots in education, urban community gardening and organization, Joey has invested the last 3 years learning the values and necessities of tropical land and water stewardship, along with animal husbandry, as Finca Fruición’s resident farmer. He received his Bachelors of Science in Environmental Studies with a focus in Sustainable Food Systems at the University of West Florida. Joey believes that the experience of land stewardship offers infinite wisdom for those who arrive to the challenge.
We are dedicated to facilitate an educational experience that encourages self-discovery through the basics of tropical land stewardship upon Permaculture ethics and principles and Biodynamic practices.
We currently have 5 more spaces available.
Click here to take advantage of this awesome learning opportunity!
If you have any questions, please email us at:
A transformative week-long event that aims to inspire and empower participants on the benefits of embracing a fruit-based raw vegan lifestyle with a focus on permaculture, community building, and regenerative living