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Este calendario se actualiza automáticamente a través de Facebook e información enviada por diferentes usuarios, no nos hacemos responsables por cambios de última hora que no se vean reflejados aquí. Siempre confirme los detalles con el organizador del evento.

Estrategias para la Agricultura Urbana @ FECOU
Jun 16 @ 8:00 pm – Jun 23 @ 11:00 pm

Como parte del mes del ambiente, brindaremos una serie de talleres para continuar promoviendo la necesidad y crecimiento de la agricultura urbana en nuestras comunidades y hogares.

Los talleres son gratuitos y abiertos.

Objetivos /
Brindar habilidades teóricas y prácticas para la escogencia de materiales, herramientas y territorios necesarios, para el inicio de una huerta urbana.


Fecha: Jueves 16 / 2:00pm
Temas: Semillas
Seguridad – Soberanía – Sabiduría Alimentaria

Fecha: Jueves 23 / 2:00pm
Temas: Permacultura
Diseño según los patrones de la Naturaleza

Fecha: Jueves 30 / 2:00pm
Temas: Huertas Urbanas
Proyectos Comunitarios

Coorganizan /
Granos Paz
Asociación Kokopelli Costa Rica
Centro de Agricultura Orgánica – INA
Red Permanezca

Bibliografía recomendada /

Fukuoka, M. (1978). La revolución de una brizna de paja. INSTITUTO PERMACULTURA MONTSANT.

David H. (1978). La esencia de la permacultura. Traducción Jordi Alemany. Barcelona, España.


Arvol. (2013). Manual de agricultura Urbana. Azoteas verdes de Guadalajara. Casa del Arvol Guadalajara, México.
Boeglin, N. (2015). La piña de Costa Rica ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos.
Carrasco, A. (2014). La ciencia y los OGM. Declaración Latinoamericana por una Ciencia Digna, por la prohibición de los OGM. Revista Biodiversidad 81.
Cháves, A y G. Guzmán. (2011). Agricultura Urbana Familiar. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia. Sector Agroalimentario. San José, Costa Rica.
Ecodes. (2014). HUERTOS EN EL ASFALTO. Iniciativas de agricultura urbana. Revista esPosible, número 45. Zaragoza, España.
Ecology Action. (2010). Agricultura Biointensiva: Una Revolución más Verde. Perspectivas de Ecology Action. Ridgewood Road Willits, California, Estados Unidos. (s.f.) Agricultura urbana. Recuperado desde:
García, A.. (2011). Impacto Ambiental de la Agroindustria. Febrero, 2011, de INGCO SAS. Recuperado desde:
GFA Consulting Group S.A. (2010).Estudio del Estado de la Producción Sostenible y Propuesta de Mecanismos Permanentes Para el Fomento de la Producción Sostenible, Costa Rica.
Hobbelink, H. (2014). 20 años con transgénicos: ¿Teorías de conspiración o realidad planificada?. Revista Biodiversidad 80.
Servicio de Gestión de publicaciones de la FAO. (2004). Política y desarrollo agrícola. Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO). Roma.
Leiva, A. (2008) Huertos urbanos, además de brindar beneficios terapéuticos y sociales, mitigan la acumulación del calor en las ciudades. Recuperado desde:
Marshall, A.. (2012). El lado oculto de la agroindustria: Impactos sociales y ambientales. 2012, de Revista Agraria. Recuperado desde:
Moya, F. (2011). Responsabilidad social y ética en el sector agroindustrial colombiano. Escenarios, 9 (1), 90-95.
Zaar, M. (2011) Agricultura urbana: algunas reflexiones sobre su origen e importancia actual. Revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales, 16 (944) Recuperado desde:

Permaculture & Yoga Program (PYP)
Jun 19 @ 6:00 am – Jun 25 @ 9:00 pm

Spend a week with us in the jungle and learn to design a bountiful garden that supports all life.
With the era of consumerism, the world faces many challenges from loss of habitat, to environmental degradation and social disconnection. We believe it’s time to cultivate opportunities for positive change and learning. Permaculture – derived from the words “permanent” and “culture” – is a design science based on mimicking efficient patterns and relationships found in nature. Permaculture is yoga for the land, as yoga is permaculture for the body.



Our week-long course includes the following:

7 Days / 6 Nights at Rancho Delicioso
3 Meals per day that showcase healthy fresh cooking from the farm or local providers
Introduction to Permaculture – Daily Workshops
Daily Yoga Class
Aerial Silk Beginner’s Class
Archery Class
Beach Trip To Playa Hermosa (Surfing Lessons Optional)
Montezuma Waterfalls Excursion
Anamaya Yoga Excursion
Pool Party

Introduction to Permaculture Daily Workshops:
The program will include eight permaculture courses, from 90-120 minutes long each, throughout the week, earning you an “Introduction to Permaculture” certificate from Rancho Delicioso. These eight courses will be:

1. Definition, Ethics and Principles:

Participative discussion that includes the Web of Life Activity.

2. Soil Science:

Know your soil types, micro-organisms, textures, Ph, simple tests to do at home.

3. Composting:

Making a “lasagna-style” compost pile and bio-fertilizers.

4. Biointensive Gardening:

Hands on mulching, seeding, transplanting, making beds, moon cycles, pest and disease control, plant propagation, seed saving.

5. Garden Design:

Using patterns and the edge effect – design and hands-on making an herb spiral or mandala garden.

6. Medicinal Plants and Medicine Making:

Native plant walk, tinctures, honey cough syrup and ointments made with local herbs.

7. Food Forests:

Tree planting and maintenance, layers of the forest, guilds, observation exercise in a native forest.

8. Sustainable building:

Discussion about various methods of natural construction techniques, natural cooling, energy, and green building.

Horses and Animals
Animals are an essential part of a sustainable cycle in a farm. They provide companionship, food, work, and even their poop is vital to our work of soil restoration.


Many more photo here: PYP Photo Gallery

Activity Details

Aerial Silk dance class in Rancho Delicioso’s passion fruit dome.

Aerial Silk Basics
Ever wonder what it’s like to dance in the air? Our workshop teaches how to move with the silks using breathing techniques that prevent muscle exhaustion. This is a fun way to activate all muscle groups, while learning a few tricks to show your family and friends back home!
Archery Basics
Perhaps after seeing “The Hunger Games” you have wanted to try shooting a bow and arrow? Now is your chance to let fly a few shots into some hay bales on the farm. It’s surprisingly addictive and cathartic.
Healthy Cooking and Nutrition
The truth is we can all cook like Nigella Lawson without using ingredients from the whole world. Learn to live sustainably by using local seasonal produce to create magic on your plate. From kefir to sauerkraut workshops and making dehydrated chips coated in cashew goodness, our workshops will leave your mouth watering and your body craving more!
Daily Yoga Classes
You don’t have to be a ballerina doing split handstand to be able to practice yoga. Whether you’re a beginner just wanting to stretch, or an advanced level yogi, our daily classes will allow you to connect with your body.

Excursion to do yoga at Anamaya’s new yoga shala

Yoga at Anamaya Resort
The yoga decks at our partner resort – Anamaya – are truly spectacular. With views over Montezuma and out to the ocean, it is a wonderful place to practice at the beginning or end of the day.
Beach and Surfing Trip
No trip to Costa Rica would be complete without a chance to dive in, balance your body, and feel the power of the ocean. Surfboards and surf classes, boogie boards rentals, etc, require an extra fee, but a trip to enjoy the beach is included. Click here to read about some of the area’s best surf spots: Surf Spots Near Rancho Delicioso.
Pool Party
An opportunity to chill with your new-found family beside a cozy bonfire. Enjoy our salt-water swimming pool to cool off from the tropical heat. Stargazing included! Afterwards, those who want more can head down to Montezuma for the famous “Reggae Night” street party every Thursday.

Adriana Pal, our permaculture instructor

Retreat Leader


Adriana Pál

. Adriana is a native Costa Rican, and our area’s leading permaculture expert. She is the founder of

La Escuela de la Jungla

(The School of the Jungle) and has been teaching various courses in the area for several years.

Originally with a background in tourism and hospitality, Adriana became enamored with permaculture and sustainability, and has been educating herself in all things “green.” With a delightful personality, a love of teaching, and a natural ability to connect with people, you will fall in love with her passion for the earth and her drive to help protect it.
Dates offered:

February 7 – 13, 2016 – (Dorm spaces sold out – bring a tent only!)
February 21 – 27, 2016 – (One Dorm Space Left!)

March 6 – 12, 2016 – (Dorm spaces sold out – bring a tent only!)
March 20 – 26, 2016 – (2 Dorm Spaces Left)

April 3 – 9, 2016 – (2 Spaces Left – 1 dorm, 1 tent)
April 17 – 23, 2016 – (3 Spaces left)

May 15-21, 2016 – (Just Added!!)

June 19-25, 2016 – (Just Added!!)

July 3 – 9, 2016 – (Just Added!!)
July 17 – 23, 2016 – (Just Added!!)

August 7 – 13, 2016 – (Just Added!!)
August 21 – 27, 2016 – (Just Added!!)


All programs begin on Sunday and end on a Saturday. This gives a generous window of time if you leave your home country on a Friday night or Saturday, and return to work/school on a Monday.


Video of the farm

Week Schedule

This is a general week schedule, which may shift a bit depending on various things like the availability of teachers. We try to fit all this in here, and more. Sometimes if someone amazing is in town and offering something unique we’ll bring them to the farm and offer it to the guests, such as a unique style of yoga or something that fits with our vibe. Some guests find there’s too much to do and want to relax more… that’s fine too, you’re not obligated to do any of these activities.
Sunday – Orientation

Opening Circle
Introduction to Permaculture

Monday – The Fun Begins

Morning Yoga
Permaculture: Soil Science
Archery Class
Permaculture: Composting
Open Mic Night at Cafe Organico in Montezuma ($4 addl pp for transport)

Tuesday – Anamaya and Waterfall

Healthy Cooking Class
Waterfall Hike and Lunch
Ocean View Yoga at Anamaya Resort
Permaculture: Garden Design

Our Aquaponics Growing House

Wednesday – Beach & Surf Day

Morning Yoga
Permaculture: Biointensive Gardening
Beach Trip – Surfing Optional

Thursday – Anamaya Dinner Night

Morning Yoga
Permaculture: Aquaponics or Greenbuilding
Permaculture: Medicinal Plant Walk
Dinner at Anamaya Resort
Dance and Street Party Night in Montezuma ($4 addl pp for transport)

Friday – Free Day and/or Aerial Silks

Morning Yoga
Permaculture: Food Forests
Aerial Silk Class
Raw Chocolate Making Class

Saturday – Goodbye Day

Morning Yoga
Closing Circle, group hugs, tears, and goodbyes

Click here for a

calendar of classes and events


Lots More Photos
Many more photo here: PYP Photo Gallery

A Typical Day’s Schedule

– Yoga


– Breakfast


– Fitness Class (optional)


– Permaculture Class


– Lunch


– Siesta, Free Time, Swimming Pool, or Various Activities


– Permaculture Class


– Dinner


– Free Time. Movies, bonfire, various extra activities

– Sleepy Time…
For more detail, click here: Detailed Schedule of Activities

Prices & Payment

Dates: February through April 2016

The PYP Program price depends on your accommodations. We currently have three options:

1. Bring Your Own Tent:

– $450

2. Dorms:

– $500 – Check this out here:

Volunteer House/Dorm
3. Joseph’s Treehouse:

$450 base price + $79/nt or $59/nt May-Nov (Please check Joseph’s prices in case of changes.) It has a queen-sized bed, private bathroom and full kitchen. Can be shared by couples who book together. The treehouse is booked directly with Joseph from his AirBnB page:
Dates: June through August 2016

The price is higher for June-August because our new accommodations will be ready with much more space for everyone.

1. Bring Your Own Tent:

– $450

2. Dorms:

– $600

3. Joseph’s Treehouse:

$450 base price + $79/nt or $59/nt May-Nov (Please check Joseph’s prices in case of changes.) It has a queen-sized bed, private bathroom and full kitchen. Can be shared by couples who book together. The treehouse is booked directly with Joseph from his AirBnB page:
Payment and Deposit:

When you’re ready to book, we’ll send you a PayPal money request for 50% of the price of the program, as a non-refundable deposit. The balance is due two weeks before your arrival, and we’ll send you a PayPal money request for that as well. If you prefer to pay the balance in cash when you arrive, that can sometimes be arranged too.

Liability Release Form: Upon arrival you must sign our standard liability release. Please read it before booking: RD Liability Release Form

Additional Notes
Why not add a week?

 If you’d like to add a second week, after your program ends to practice what you have learned, the cost is $200 for the week (7 additional nights). Limited space for 4 people so let us know asap if you want to stay on as a farm volunteer. PYP students who add the extra week will work on the farm with the regular volunteers, but less work is required. We ask for 3 hours per day for this extra week (compared with 6 hours per day for regular volunteers.)

Join a like-minded community to gain the tools to empower our humanity and live to the fullest. Let’s create an abundant future together!

AMBIENTE: Reciclaje en Curridabat @ Curridabat
Jun 22 all-day

Sustainable Homestead Design @ Costa Rica
Jun 22 – Jun 25 all-day


Sustainable Homestead Design
JUNE 22 – JUNE 26, 2016
 Register here →

Learn the tools to design an abundant and harmonious landscape!

This five-day intensive course will introduce participants to the basic skills needed to analyze the landscape and design a sustainable homestead. The course will cover site analysis and mapping, goal setting, and designing to maximize the productivity, beauty, and sustainability of the land. This course is relevant to people who already own a home-site as well as people considering buying land in the future. During a final hands-on project, participants will put their new skills to work on a small-scale design. Students will leave equipped with the skills to more deeply understand their homestead and to design for the challenges and opportunities they encounter. The course will be conducted in Rancho Mastatal’s beautiful naturally built classroom and will mix lectures, drafting, and group work, with mapping and measuring in the field.

Note: Participants with their own property should contact the instructor to see about the potential for using their land during the final design project.

Concepts and skills covered will include:

tKey permaculture principles
tSystems thinking
tUsing the pattern language
tThe design process
tDefining goals
tSite analysis
tCreating a base map
tDrafting tools and techniques
tDesign alternatives and evaluation process

Rachel holds a Masters Degree in Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design from the Conway School in Conway, Massachusetts. She has been practicing permaculture in the tropics since 2009, working in both the rainforests of Costa Rica and the dry forests of Nicaragua. She is passionate about creating harmonious, healthy relationships between humans and the landscape. From urban renewal projects in New England to food forests in Latin America, Rachel has used her skills to create integrated, whole-system designs in difficult locations. She has also worked as a garden-based youth educator, art handler, photographer and carpenter and harbors a life-goal of trying as many varieties of tropical fruits as possible.
For more information about food and lodging please see our website at accommodations.

Cost includes 6 nights lodging, all meals, course instruction and full access to Rancho Mastatal and its private wildlife refuge.  A $250 deposit will secure your space in the course. Please follow the link for payment options.
To enroll in the class, please go to our Online Registration Form.  For more information please contact Tim O’Hara at and/or call the Ranch at 2200-0920. We have a maximum of 12 openings for this workshop and a minimum of 4 students to run the course.

FOLCLOR: Crepúsculos Románticos
Jun 24 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Sesión semanal de baile para el adulto mayor.

CINE: Viernes Cinéfilos en Alianza Francesa @ Alianza Francesa de Bº Amón
Jun 24 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm


Baile popular @ Polideportivo de Belén
Jun 25 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
DEPORTE: Zumba @ Parque España
Jun 25 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
PAPEÑA (Peña Cultural Cartaginesa)
Jun 25 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Bridge to the Future – Costa Rica @ Costa Rica
Jun 26 – Jul 15 all-day

Costa Rica Summer Program
Costa Rica has been the model for sustainable economic development in Latin America for a generation. On this program, you’ll spend most of your time living in or alongside some of Costa Rica’s most important biological reserves while learning about integrated sustainability initiatives to protect these valuable resources.

In this Sustainable Summer Program…

tYou’ll visit an indigenous community and learn traditional agricultural practices
tYou’ll learn about the implementation of renewable energy at a variety of scales
tYou’ll harvest crops and practice permaculture at an organic farm
tYou’ll develop homesteading skills such as fermentation and soap-making
tYou’ll learn about natural building and work with natural building materials and techniques

Your Sustainable Summer experience will span from Costa Rica’s legendary Pacific beaches to the mist shrouded slopes of the Central Highlands to the tropical rainforest. Our Costa Rica summer program is ideal for high school students with a strong interest in environmental sustainability, and particularly renewable energy and agriculture. Costa Rica is widely considered an ‘easy’ place to travel by developing country standards, and we think this program is also a good choice for students that are looking to get their first taste of ‘adventure travel’ and life in a ‘developing’ country, although we caution that our itinerary is more challenging (in a good way) than many Costa Rica travel itineraries.
Picture yourself living on an organic farm on the edge of a national park, where you’ll help produce the food that sustains the local community. Or on a guided night hike through Costa Rica’s virgin rainforest, when the jungle really comes alive. You’ll feel the rush of rafting Costa Rica’s world famous whitewater, play soccer with local kids, and come to understand why the essential Costa Rican phrase – pura vida – is the perfect embodiment of this beautiful place and the Tico people that call it home.Not sure if this is the right option for you? Use our Compare Programs page to help you assess which Sustainable Summer is the best fit for your interests and comfort zone.

how sustainable energy and agriculture solutions are designed

tropical rainforests, hidden valleys, and pristine beaches

horseback to a towering waterfall in Cangreja National Park and raft Costa Rica’s legendary whitewater

2016 Facilitators *

Remy Franklin

Kiska Kosakowski

Costa Rica Testimonials

Thank you so much for creating and running this amazing program!! I’m so grateful for all that you’ve done to make this organization so awesome!!  Jess,  student from Boca Raton, FL

Read More Testimonials




Costa Rica 9-Day Photos
By Sustainable Summer // September 16, 2015


Costa Rica 21-Day Photos
By Sustainable Summer // September 16, 2015


Costa Rica Student Essay
By Rafael Robert // September 8, 2015


Costa Rican Transformation
By Lily Antunez // September 1, 2015




Costa Rica Student Essay
By Amber Heldreth Miller // September 1, 2015


Costa Rica Student Essay
By Own Shain // September 1, 2015


Costa Rica Student Essay
By Miriam Wahid // September 1, 2015


Costa Rica Student Photo Essay
By Jess Kian // August 16, 2015

Core Curriculum & Program Components

Much More Than A Tour
Amazing destination? Check. Fun and authentic experiences? Absolutely. A smart, down-to-earth group of like-minded teens? Yup. An awesome itinerary and first-in-class lodging are just the start. Our programs prepare teens to become environmental leaders through dynamic place-based learning.

How do “small” and “local” provide a blueprint for a sustainable future? This essential question guides our experience studying sustainability in Costa Rica. Participants – through discussions, workshops, site visits, and fieldwork – will investigate sustainability with the understanding that truly sustainable solutions take into account not only the environment, but also the people, culture and economy of a given place.


Field Studies




Design Thinking


Independent Project


Case Study


Action Plan

Program Tuition

Each program has a tiered tuition rate: standard (full tuition), tuition assistance (83% of tuition), or scholarship (as low as 15% of tuition).HOW IT WORKS


$ 4795

tOur standard course fee, which represents the actual cost of operating our programs, including the administrative costs that are necessary to sustain our organization in the long-term. This is the suggested rate for families living in high cost of living areas with household net assets of greater than $650,000 and/or annual household income of greater than $180,000.


$ 3995

tParticipants at this tuition rate cover only their direct participation costs, including lodging, meals, activities, in-country staff and transportation, and support for local projects. Participation at this level is based on the honor system. It is available to all families – no documentation required. We simply ask families to honestly consider their financial resources and ability to pay the full tuition rate.


$ 720 – 3355

tAdditional scholarship funding is available for students that are unable to participate at either of the other rates. Scholarship participants receive up to an 85% reduction of the standard course fee. Due to the limited availability of scholarship funds, a separate application is required, including a parent financial statement and recent tax return.

What’s Included


in eco-lodges and other locally-owned (and often sustainably-minded) establishments


3 meals daily while in-country. Local cuisine, served family-style, is on order most days. Dietary restrictions can typically be accommodated.

Immersive Activities

Guided activities, from the adventurous to the cultural, are a regular part of the itinerary.

Dynamic Learning Opportunities

Place-based. Interactive. Fun. Our programs prepare teens to become environmental leaders.

Ground Transportation

Once in country, all travel will be by private coach when we are traveling any significant distance, although we may occasionally use other transport when traveling locally. This can range from a cattle truck to the local bus. Traveling like a local is part of the experience!

2 Full-Time Professional Facilitators

Our international field team includes returned Peace Corps volunteers, college professors, seasoned wilderness guides, sustainability graduate students, and similar.

Pre-Program Materials and Support

Students and parents receive comprehensive and prompt pre-program support.

Not Included

Tuition does not include airfare, $95 InternationalSOS membership (required), or personal expenses such as laundry, snacks, souvenirs, and internet or international phone calls, and other incidentals. A $29 Costa Rica exit fee, payable at the SJO airport on departure, is also not included.


We designate a recommended group flight for students. Students, whether arriving on our group flight or independently, will be met at the international arrivals area by our staff. Very detailed travel and booking instructions will be provided to all participants upon enrollment.Our designated round trip group flight:


Escort on Both Outbound and Return Flight

Outbound Flight

June 26

Miami (MIA)
San Jose (SJO)

Return Flight
July 16
San Jose (SJO)
Miami (MIA)


tDo not make any flight reservations until explicitly directed by Sustainable Summer. Enrolled families – please check your MySummer accountfor more information.
tNot all of our group flights have a staff escort. Please see above for specifics and our Flights page for additional details.
tStudents NOT traveling on our designated group flight will be assessed a $35 fee if they arrive on a flight other than our specified group flight and/or a $35 fee for departing on a non-group flight ($70 total). Students must verify BEFORE BOOKING all non-group flight travel itineraries

21-Day Itinerary


Most students will arrive on our chaperoned group flight into the international airport outside San Jose, Costa Rica’s capital city. It’s a short drive by private transport from the airport to our hostel in Alajuela, where we will begin our orientation period.Day 1


Orientation at Rancho Margot
The next morning, after breakfast we’ll travel north to Rancho Margot, a stunning eco-lodge on the shores of Lake Arenal. Rancho Margot is the perfect destination to become acquainted with Costa Rica and your fellow students. It is fully self-sufficient, yet at a truly impressive scale – two different micro-hydro turbines provide all their energy needs; chickens, pigs, and cows number in the hundreds, yet exist in healthy, environmentally sustainable way; and the entire property of several hundred hectares has been reforested in the last decade.During orientation, we’ll become familiar with local customs, health and safety protocols, and share our individual and mutual goals for the program.We also will begin our investigation of sustainability as a subject of inquiry, as we learn about the various sustainability initiatives on the farm and consider how the systems and philosophies in place at Margot can inform a shift to more sustainable communities elsewhere in the world. No visit to the beautiful Arenal would be complete without some dedicated to exploring the surrounding countryside. We’ll have some time for a short hike in the area, as well as kayaking on Lago Arenal.Days 2 & 3


The Rainforest
We’ll then move on to the Sarapaqui region, one of Costa Rica’s most important biospheres. We’ll be staying at an eco-lodge on the edge of Costa Rica’s largest National Park, Braulio Carrillo. The surrounding jungle is primary rainforest that serves as a critical ecological corridor. Much important research has been and continues to be conducted in the area. Conservation efforts have maintained the native forest on the southern side of the Rio Sarapiqui, although the numerous pineapple farms that dot the northern side serve as a constant reminder of the threat of development.During our five nights in the area, we’ll conduct biodiversity research with a local scientific organization; take an ethnobotany course from a local expert; go whitewater rafting on the Rio Sarapaqui; and go for a guided night hike through the tropical jungle. It’s not all adventure and sustainability, though. We’ll also take in some with local culture. You’ll learn to make the perfect gallo pinto and friend plantains in a cooking class and polish your Merengue, Salsa, and Cha-Cha skills in a Latin dance class, too.Days 4 – 8


The Cloud Forest
Leaving Sarapaqui, we’ll travel south and up in elevation to Paraiso Quetzal, a beautiful cloud forest lodge situated on a ridge overlooking Costa Rica’s southern valley. After lunch, we’ll have an afternoon hike in search of the elusive Quetzal, seen rarely throughout Costa Rica, but living in abundance in this area.While in this area, we’ll visit a cooperatively owned wind power facility and hydroelectric project and learn how the projects are producing clean energy at fair rates for rural communities that previously had no access to the grid. This segment of the program encourages reflection on the sources, uses, and economics of renewable energy. One of the principle questions we will consider is the size and scope of a project, which we will continue to explore later in the program.We’ll also visit a flower exporter and a coffee cooperative in an effort to better understand both the global supply chain as well as issues of equity and social justice associated with agricultural production and consumption.Days 9 & 10


Winding our way through the craggy, jungle clad valleys of the central mountains, our next destination is Mastatal and Cangreja National Park, one of Costa Rica’s least visited, but most remarkable destinations.We’ll spend a little over a week at Rancho Mastatal, an environmental learning center and eco-lodge situated on the park’s boundary. Rancho Mastatal is a sustainability pioneer that practices natural construction techniques (locally harvested woods and bamboo, earthen structures, etc), sustainable food production, and renewable energy generation.The American operators work closely with the surrounding community on conservation initiatives to help preserve and protect the last remaining virgin rainforest in this region of Costa Rica. Sustainability education of both local and foreign students is an important part of Mastatal’s mission.During our time there, we’ll study many of the initiatives that make Mastatal a stunning example of sustainability, from their use of biodigesters and rainwater catchments to traditional agricultural production methods and reforestation efforts.We’ll visit the Zapaton Indigenous Reserve, play soccer with the local kids, and fill our minds with knowledge about the principles of permaculture, tropical ecology, and other remarkable subjects that are being practiced every day at Mastatal.Days 11 – 18


The Coast
Our final days of the program will be at the beaches of Playa Esterillos, where we’ll reflect on our time in Costa Rica, share our Sustainability Action Plans, and prepare to say farewell.Days 19 & 20


We’ll wake up for breakfast and perhaps a final swim in the Pacific and then it’s about 90 minutes driving by bus back to the airport in Alajuela for an early afternoon flight back to the US.Day 21


An Important Note About Itinerary Changes
Sustainable Summer reserves the right to change, alter, or amend the program itinerary. Changes can be made for various reasons including changes in weather or road conditions; to take advantage of a new activity or unscheduled opportunity (such as a local festival or event); to accommodate the health needs of an individual participant; or due to changes in activities or schedules of our local partners and providers.The itinerary shown here is based on previous programs and the anticipated day-to-day activities for this program. However, as with any travel experience, some changes may occur.
