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Field Clinical Jungle Style
Feb 15 – Feb 28 all-day

Field Clinical Jungle Style
with 7Song, Punta Mona & Envision Festival 2016
February 15 – 29, 2016
Punta Mona is happy to welcome 7Song to the farm with a week long immersion in
field clinical practices and procedures for the practicing herbalist.

Please note this workshop is for experienced and practicing herbalists
or for intermediate and advanced herbal students looking to gain more experience
in the field and learn from the plants of the tropics.

This training will continue with the Envision Festival Eclectic Clinic where students will be fully immersed in service to the attendees of Envision, providing them with holistic health services and first aid to make the jungle experience a little easier.

Students will set up and work at the clinic during the festival, tuition options include festival admission as a volunteer with meals.

Students are required to work 6 hours per day of the festival in the clinic, participate in set up and break down.

Tuition: $1500

Includes all workshops, meals, lodging, class materials, travel to Envision Festival, admission as a volunteer to Envision (meals included)

Students must bring their own sheets, towels and tent

Transfortation via boat to Punta Mona is not included

$700  – Workshop at Punta Mona ONLY – no Envision Clinical

Date Outline:

February 15-19, 2016 – Punta Mona Center Workshop

February 20 – Travel Day

February 21-25 – Clinic Set Up

February 25- 29 – Envision


Lead –


Ithaca Health Alliance and Free Clinic

Northeast School of Botanical Medicine

Assistant –

Sarah Wu

Medicines from the Edge: a tropical herbal convergence

Work Flow:

Day 1:
Feb. 15 Punta Mona

tOrientation to jungle life, safety and community health issues in CA
tFarm Tour with a Medicine Plant Focus
tIntroduction to Tropical Materia Medica

Day 2:
Feb. 16 Punta Mona

tFree Clinic and Street Medic: Practicing as a Clinical Herbalist in a Free Clinic
tFormulation for the Practicing Herbalist
– Herbal Medicine for the Urinary System
– Herbal Medicine for Female Reproductive

Day 3:
Feb. 17 Punta Mona

tFirst Aid, Emergency Medicine
tPrincipal Plants in Herbal First Aid
tHerbs for Pain and Trauma
tPreparing a Practical Home Herbal First Aid Kit
tSetting up a First Aid Station
– Herbal Medicine for the Immune and Lymphatic System
– Herbal Medicine for Headaches

Day 4:
Feb. 18 Punta Mona

The Herbalist’s Handbook-Clinical and Practitioner Skills

tOverview of clinical skills
tPatient compliance for the clinical herbalist
tIntake and counseling skills
tAssessment skills
tCase Studies
tTreatment strategies
– An overview of the respiratory system
– Treatment approaches for the respiratory system
– Asthma
– Respiratory viruses-cold and flus
– Tonics for the respiratory system

Day 5:
Feb. 19 Punta Mona

Wildcrafting and Medicine Making

tThe practice and skills of gathering one’s own medicines
tAdventures in wildcrafting; true tales of wildcrafting throughout the US.
tProcessing and preparing wildcrafted plants as medicine
– Herbal Medicine for Skin Ailments

Day 6:
Feb. 20

Travel Day – long haul to Uvita from Manzanillo
10 hours, we will stop along the way for lunch

Day 7-11:
Feb. 21-25

Set up Clinic at Envision
Pre-Festival Fun!

Day 11-14:
Feb. 25-28

Envision Clinic
6 Hours per day, working various shifts

Day 15:
Feb. 29

Break Down

Interested in Learning More?

Register for Medicines from the Edge: A Tropical Herbal Convergence
March 3-6, 2016

Hosted at Termales del Bosque Hot Spring Hotel and Spa near to the Arenal Volcano
Featuring: 7Song, Margi Flint, Susun Weed, Sarah Wu, Stephen Brooks, Rafa Ocampo,
Luis Poveda and a whole host of other herbalists from Costa Rica and Abroad!!

Student Tuition Available!


Please Copy/Paste and Fill Out the Application Below and Send it To:




Contact Info:


Current Location:

Which are you interested in: Workshop at Punta Mona with Envision Clinical or Workshop ONLY at Punta Mona

Languages Spoken and Level:

Herbal Training, Duration, With whom, etc, please be detailed:

Experience in First Aid:

Other Certifications (Wilderness First Responder, CPR, Lifeguard, etc) & are they up to date?:

Top Ten Herbal First Aid Remedies and Why:

Outdoor Experience:

Why do you want to participate in this experience?

How will you be an addition to the team?

Three best personal qualities:

Three challenging personal qualities:

Physical Stamina Level:

Dietary Needs or Restrictions:


How did you hear about this workshop?

Emergency Contact:

From 7Song


I have been studying plants, people and herbal medicine for over 20 years now. My interest first started as a youngster with a fascination for things natural, beginning with astronomy, moving into herpetology and later into plants and medicine. And all of this in the suburbs of Long Island, NY

In my twenties, I began studying herbal medicine’s many aspects more throroughly, including botany (an abiding love here), plants as medicine (materia medica), physiology, medicine making, wildcrafting, clinical work, and the like.

To further elucidate my herbal education, I attended the California School of Herbal Studies with Rosemary Gladstar in 1983 and later the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine with Michael Moore in 1994 and 1995. Along the way I went to as many herbal conferences as possible (sliding my way in through work exchange in the early years). There I would  listen to the many opinions and teaching styles of the herbalists speaking. A vibrant education in many respects.

One of the reasons I have been involved in herbal medicine for all these years are the teachers, students, peers and friends I meet in this community. Many open-minded, critical thinkers who are a pleasure and learning experience to be around.

The plants themselves are one of my favorite aspects of herbal medicine. Spending time traveling and meeting as many plants as possible is one of the great parts of being an herbalist. Seeing and gathering the plants we use as medicine makes herbalism unique, and offers a direct and ancient relationship we have with our medicine. They are beautiful down to their anthers and stigmas.

I currently teach at many schools and conferences throughout the United States, which gives me the opportunity to see the varied ways that herbal knowledge is passed on. I am honored to be a part of passing this information along.

I see being an herbalist as a political path, meaning a way to encourage community, and change some of the status quo, especially the ways medicine is currently practiced.  I feel that being herbalists we can be a great boon to our communities, whether just among our friends, the towns we live in, or wherever we are and whomever we are talking to.  The art of being able to assess people’s health difficulties, and to then help them with plants we have gathered or better yet, plants they have gathered and processed into medicine, is a beautiful thing. I feel this knowledge  helps with healing in ways beyond just the gross physical healing process. Knowing that we can help ourselves and those around us with at least some of our physical tribulations, can increase our connection to the world of people and nature. And this is knowledge and skill we can pass on freely to the people we meet.


Taking digital photos of plants has become a favored pastime (much to the consternation of friends walking with me), and it is a gratifying to finally have a place to display them, here on this website.


Ithaca Free Clinic

I am a herbal practitioner and Director of Holistic Medicine at the Ithaca Free Clinic. It is deeply satisfying to be a part of this clinic. Working here has allowed me to be a part of something I wholeheartedly believe in,free medicine. And in the long-run to slowly work towards a true integrative model of health care, here and elsewhere. For more about the Ithaca Free Clinic, please see under ‘Free Clinic’.

Me and a Toad in the mid-1960’s

Northeast School of Botanical Medicine

I have been creating, teaching and directing The Northeast School of Botanical Medicine for 13 years. It is something I value doing. It allows me the opportunity to teach the herbal information that I have gleaned over the years, and a chance to share my passion for plants, herbal medicine and community. It is also a learning experience for myself as new people constantly enter my life with what they have learned on their journey’s. It is a pleasure to see people start to heartily wrap their minds and hands around the intricacies of herbal medicine and I am thankful to be a part of their path.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that whichever way you head, that you see and feel the beauty of the plants around you

Festival de Verano de Artes Escénicas 2016 @ Parque La Libertad
Feb 15 @ 6:00 pm – Feb 21 @ 9:00 pm

¡Espectáculos, talleres y más!

Enteráte de la programación de este Festival aquí. #NosvemosenelParque

SEMINARIO – “Performance, feminismos y el trastorno político de los cuerpos en el arte de América Latina”. A cargo de Andrea Giunta. @ TEOR/éTica
Feb 15 @ 6:00 pm – Feb 16 @ 8:00 pm

Confirmar asistencia a

Este seminario se realiza con el generoso apoyo de Susana Sánchez Carballo

Desde los años sesenta las prácticas performativas pusieron en escena cuerpos que desmarcaron los cánones patriarcales que hasta entonces los había circunscripto social y culturalmente. Las performances que desarrollaron mujeres cercanas al feminismo o preocupadas tan solo por subvertir las normas de representación de los cuerpos y las subjetividades fue central en la transformación política de las sensibilidades. No se trató de ocupar espacios antes vedados sino de modificar las percepciones del cuerpo, trastornar sus representaciones e iconicidades, revelar el potencial de lo abyecto….

Sesion de ejercicio
Feb 16 @ 7:15 am – 8:15 am

Grupo ACTIVATE con sesiones de ejercicio para ponerse en forma. Todos los martes de 7:15 a,8:15 pm

MADC – Entrada Gratuita #CostaRica
Feb 16 @ 9:30 am – 5:00 pm 9:30 a 5pm

AMBIENTE: Reciclaje en Curridabat @ Curridabat
Feb 17 all-day

Tibahuerta Abierta al público
Feb 17 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Película: Muñecas Rusas de Jurgen Ureña @ MADC
Feb 18 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Jueves 18 de febrero, 6:00 p.m. Videoteca del MADC. Entrada gratuita

Muñecas Rusas
Costa Rica, 2014, 67 min.
Director: Jurgen Ureña

Muñecas Rusas hace una ruptura conceptual de lo que implica hacer cine, el mismo Ureña se refiere a la producción del filme como ejercicio “catártico”, ya que no se ajusta a un guión establecido. La película tiene el sello personal del director, cargada de códigos que desafían lo formal. Dos personajes: Luisa y Antonio se hayan en una relación de desacuerdos y reconciliaciones. Luisa sigue con curiosidad el hilo de las palabras mientras Antonio imagina una película habitada por Elsa y Miguel, personajes de ficción desdibujados en medio de una aguda

Presentacion de Ser un tercero @ Alianza Francesa Costa Rica, Av. 7
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Literatura. “Ser un tercero” es el nombre del libro de Esteban Alonso Ramírez que se presentará el jueves 18 de febrero en nuestra sede de Bº Amón a las 7pm. ¡Los esperamos!

Fultierra abierto al público
Feb 19 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm